Sunday, January 10, 2016

Surely God is nigh and answers the prayer of the suppliant

Surely God is nigh and answers the prayer of the suppliant

Surah ‘Al-Baqarah (The Cow) – Chapter – 2)
Stage – 1, Verse – 186 of 286, Section – 23 of 40 (Part - 2)

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
And when My servants question thee concerning Me, then surely   I am nigh. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calleth unto Me.
Wa ‘izaa sa-‘alaka ‘ibaa-Dii ‘anNii fa-‘inNii Qariib. ‘Ujiibu  da’- watad-daa-‘i   ‘izaa da-‘aani,


‘Annii - (concerning Me, about Me), that is to say; they ask about My closeness and distance. Some religions have considered that God Almighty has so much distance and high from us that reaching there, is entirely impossible. Islam rejected this false belief and told that Allah Almighty is extremely nigh to the human being.
‘Innii Qariibun - (surely I am nigh (near) it means that Allah Almighty is near to the mankind also in accord with His knowledge and acquaintance, as well as close to them for listening to their prayer and accepting too. In the Holy Qur’an it is commanded at another place. Nahnu ‘Aqrabu ‘ilayhi min hablil wariid (We are closer to them (human) than their jugular vein). 

It is the Soul of the religion that the individual should cut off every one and be just of only one God (Allah), pray for a boon from Him, raise hands for asking before Him, his life and death, his worship and sacrifice should be for Him only. For producing this soul, Allah Almighty taught; how to pray and commanded: I am not more away from the human beings. Moreover, when any individual calls Me with full sincerity giving up everything, I hear his supplication, answer him, accept his prayer, and fulfill his desire.

In the Saying (Hadith), it comes that during the last third part of the night, Allah Almighty comes to the nearest sky and proclaims, “Is there any suppliant, I accept whose prayer? Is there any beggar, to whom I bestow? Is there anyone asking for forgiveness to whom I forgive? Messenger of God Almighty (Peace Be upon Him) once said that the prayer is worship. In another Hadith it has come that Allah Almighty is so much modest and kind that He does not wish to return anyone who prays with empty hands. But there is a condition for accepting the prayer that the heart shouldn’t be indolent and careless. It does not depend only in such last part of the night; Allah Almighty hears the call of every caller (the individual who prays earnestly) every time, at every place, on the condition that he should call sincerely and honestly.

In this verse, how God Almighty has filled strength and trust for the helpless human beings, hope for broken hearts, expectation for the sinners, support for the tired ones. If the mankind doesn’t ask from Him then from whom he should ask? But how much indolent and cruel is this humankind that he feels shame when praying unto Him and hesitates spreading hands before Him.

So let them hear My call and let them believe in Me, in order that they may be led aright.
Fal- yastajiibuu  Lii  wal-yu’-minuu  Bii  la-‘allahum  yar-shuduun.


It was stated above that Allah Almighty is extremely nigh to the human beings. He is Aware of the most of their circumstances. He is apprised their needs, knows their expedience, wishes their welfare and betterment, hears their call, accepts their supplication, and treats them with kindness and blessings. Now two conditions have been commanded by God Almighty for acceptance of the supplication:

Fal- yastajiibuu  Lii – (So let them hear My call, they should obey My Revelations) it also includes the meanings – to agree, to believe, to suppose, to confess, to accept. First condition of the supplication is that the suppliant should obey the commands, guidelines and manners instructed by God Almighty.
Wal-yu’-minuu  Bii – (and let them believe in Me), the words ‘iimaan (belief) and Mu’-min (believer) have been derived also from this word. It has already been explained about the word ‘Belief’ that is to say, to promise, to accept with the tongue, to believe in the heart and to devise for practice likewise the belief. It is the second condition for acceptance of the supplication. Besides these basic conditions, many other conditions have also been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and the Sayings of the Messenger of God Almighty (glory, grace, blessings and peace be upon Him), for instance; to pray for right and correct thing, to beg with faith and sincerity, lawful earnings, to take pure and lawful food, to be remained good etc.   

Sometimes our prayers are not accepted, then we should not become desperate and broken heart, and think that any command or decision of God Almighty is never without philosophy and expedience. However, it may be suspicion of defects and weaknesses in our supplication. It is also possible that the acceptance of supplication may be hurtful for us. So we should believe in betterment on the decision and philosophy of God Almighty.

Secondly, we should bear in mind that due to non acceptance of some supplications, it is not reasonable that there is no use of praying. Because sometimes no medicine becomes useful in any disease, but the treatment is not left. So, there is no reason to leave praying due to non acceptance. It would be certainly any reason in non acceptance. God Almighty knows our expedience. He desires our betterment. So we should pray all the times also, again and again before Him, act upon His Guidelines, because it is the Path of Success. 

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif)

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