Monday, May 22, 2017

Acknowledge the Holy Qur’an - Quran Chapter 5 – 15 & 16 (Pt-6, Stg-2) (L-657) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 5 – 15 & 16 (Pt-6, Stg-2) (L-657) - درس قرآن 

Acknowledge the Holy Qur’an

Surah MAAA-‘IDAH (The Table Spread) – Chapter – 5)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast.)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.)
يَٰٓأَهْلَ ٱلْكِتَٰبِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيرًا مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ ٱلْكِتَٰبِ وَيَعْفُوا۟ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُم مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَٰبٌمُّبِينٌ (15

  يَهْدِى بِهِ ٱللَّهُ مَنِ ٱتَّبَعَ رِضْوَٰنَهُۥ سُبُلَ ٱلسَّلَٰمِ وَيُخْرِجُهُم مِّنَ ٱلظُّلُمَٰتِ إِلَى ٱلنُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِۦ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَىٰ صِرَٰطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ (16

15.  O People of the Scripture! Now hath Our Messenger come unto you, expounding unto you much of that which ye used to hide in the Scripture, and forgiving much. Now hath come unto you Light from Allah and a clear Scripture-

16.  Whereby Allah guideth him who seeketh His good pleasure unto paths of peace; and He bringeth them out of darkness unto Light by His decree, and guideth them unto a Straight Path.
15.  Yaaa-‘Ahlal-Kitaabi  qad  jaaa-‘akum  RasuuluNaa  yubayyinu  lakum  kasiiram-mimmaa  kuntum  tukhfuuna  minal-Kitaabi  wa  ya’-fuu  ‘an-  kasiir.  Qad  jaaa-‘akum-minAllaahi  Nuurunw-wa  Kitaabum-Mubiin.

16.  Yahdii  biHIllaahu  manit-taba-‘a  Rizwaana-huu  subulassalaami  wa  yukhriju-hum-minaz-zulumaati  ‘ilan-nuuri  bi-‘iznihii  wa  yahdiihim  ‘ilaa  Siraatim-Mustaqiim.


Ya’-fuu- (forgives, lets go), it is from ‘ufw, which means “to remove, to dismiss”. 

Nuurun  (the Light), here it aims “Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him), Messenger of Allah Almighty, Who is Remover of the darkness. 

Subul – (paths), it is plural of sabiil, which means ‘path, manner’. Subulassalaam – (paths of peace, in which no difficulty or hardship comes in front). 

Zulumaatu – (darkness), it is plural of zulumatun – here it aims “uncertainty, doubt, hesitation, suspicion”, which prevents a person from work.
In the previous lessons, it was told about the Jews and the Christians that none of them fulfilled their covenants, which they made with Allah Almighty and His Messengers (peace be upon Them). But they changed many commandments, which were mentioned in their Scriptures i.e. Torah and Gospel. Now they do not know that what they have to do. Until they are in the world, they will be going astray.

It has been commanded in this verse that if the Jews and the Christians wish to arrange their lives, remain with peace and be saved from the punishment of the Day of Resurrection, then they should listen to Our Message.

The Message is: “O the People of the Scripture! The Last Messenger of Allah Almighty; that is to say; Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him) has come unto you and brought the last Scripture of God Almighty i.e. Holy Qur’aan, in which there are many such commandments, which you have forgotten, and many of them, which you used to hide, have been disclosed clearly. And there are many such commandments, which were not obligatory and you have included them into your Scriptures, those have been abolished. And the paths of peace and safety have been opened for those people, who want to get good pleasure and willingness of Allah Almighty”. There are some more lessons also for the Muslims, so that they may reap full advantage from This Light.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).

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Commentary on Last Scripture