Monday, January 30, 2017

Keep yourselves ready for Jihad - Quran Chapter 4-71 & 72 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-566) -درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 4-71 & 72 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-566) -درس قرآن

Keep yourselves ready for Jihad

Surah ‘An-Nisaaa’ (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

71.  O ye who believe! Take your precautions, then move on as separate units, or advance all together.

72.  And lo! Among you there is he who loitereth; and if disaster overtook you, he would say: Allah hath been gracious unto me since I was not present with them.          
71.  Yaaa-‘ayyu-hallaziina  ‘aa-manuu  khuzuu  hizrakum  fan-firuu  subaatin  ‘awinfiruu  jamii-‘aa.

72.  Wa  ‘inna  minkum lamalla-yubatti-‘ann.  Fa-‘in  ‘asaabat-kum-musii-batun-  qaala  qad  ‘an-‘amAllaahu  ‘a-layya  ‘iz  lam  ‘akum-ma-‘ahum  shahiidaa.      


Subaatin  - it is plural of sabat which means separate units and little groups.

Shahiidan – witness, being present (at a particular place) - There are some narrations about this verse that in the beginning, many people embraced Islam in imitation. When Jihad became their duty, they disobeyed and even that some of them began to oppose the religion obviously accompanying the infidels. This verse was revealed at such time.

Behavior of the hypocrites was mentioned in the previous verses. In this verse, their manner of acts at the time of Crusade (Jihad) has been discussed and the Muslims have been prevented to adopt the behavior like them. Islam likes very much that all people should live together with reconciliation and smoothness. But selfishness of the infidels compelled the Muslims to fight. Until the people will remain slaves of their wishes and turn their faces away from the Straight Path due to following and misguidance of Satan, the war may not be ended from the world. The servants of Allah Almighty would have to fight against these slaves of the wishes under compulsion.   

The Believers have been directed with urgency in this verse that they should arrange for precautionary things to save themselves from the enemies of the humanity and remain dressed with warlike arms and equipment. When it becomes necessary, then you should move up as separate units, or advance all together to fight them. You should not loiter at that time, because sometimes it spoils due to delay at the time of the battle, and the enemy prospers.

Remember it that there are some such people among you, who practise delay at the rime of proceeding for Jihad and loiter intentionally. They are called hypocrites. Their leader was AbdUllah bin Ubaii. He had determined this way that whenever the Muslims used to go for fighting, he used to remain in the rear with his followers by evading. If the Muslims suffered any disaster or faced any defeat, he used to say, Thank God since I was not present with them. Otherwise, I would have died too. As though, this wrong subject had made room in his heart that he would remain safe at his home from the death and in the battlefield he would die before time.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English  by Muhammad Sharif).

Favored servants of God - Quran Chapter 4-69 & 70 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-565) -درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 4-69 & 70 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-565) -درس قرآن

Favored servants of God

Surah ‘An-Nisaaa’ (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

69.  Whoso  obeyeth Allah and the Messenger, they are with those unto whom Allah hath shown favour, of the Prophets and the saints and the martyrs and the righteous. And what a best of company are they indeed.  

70.  That is Bounty from Allah. And Allah sufficeth as Knower.
69.  Wa  many-yuti-‘Illaaha  war-Rasuula  fa- ‘ulaaa-‘ika  ma- ‘allaziina  ‘an- ‘amAllaahu  ‘alay-him-minan-Nabiy-yiina  was-Siddii-qiina  wash-Shuha-daaa-‘i  was-Saalihiin.  Wa  hasuna  ‘ulaaa-‘ika  Rafiiqaa.

70.  Zaalikal-Fazlu  minAllaah.  Wa kafaa  bIllaahi  ‘Aliimaa.


In this holy verse, Allah Almighty has described about His those glorious slaves who have been treated with the special kindness.   

1.    ‘An-Nabiy-yiina  - It is Plural of Nabii. Nabii means Prophet (peace be upon Him). Those Selected Servants of Allah Almighty, Who were sent in the world to deliver the Message of Allah Almighty to the human beings. This Message was sent unto the Prophets (peace be upon them) by Allah Almighty through an Angel (peace be upon Him), they used to feel the arrival of the Angel and transmit the Message to the humankind without any reduction or increase in it.   

2.   ‘As-Siddii-qiina  - (the saints), plural of Siddiiq, which means ‘a faithful witness of the truth’. It is also a title of Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) – the companion of last Messenger of Allah Almighty, Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him). ‘As-Siddii-qiina are those people, whose hearts accept the Messages of the Prophets as true naturally. They do not need any reason or proof.     

3.   ‘Ash-Shuha-daaa-‘a  - (the martyrs), it is plural of Shahiid, these are the people, who are ready every time to sacrifice their lives upon the commands of Prophets (peace be upon them) and produce evidence of the truth with their own blood.  

4.  ‘As-Saalihiina  - (the righteous people), it is plural of Saalih. These are such persons, whose nature is good innately and who have purified their souls and bodies from the evils, licentiousness, lewdness and impurities.

These four kinds of persons are excellent out of the entire human beings. Allah Almighty has bestowed them superiority and eminence upon all other people and comforted them with His Bounty.

The classification of their dignities is the same as it has been kept in the verse. That is to say, the Messengers and the Prophets (peace be upon them) have the highest ranks among the human beings. Junior to them is the degree of  As-Siddii-qiin. Then the rank of ‘Ash-Shuha-daaa-‘a - (the martyrs) comes after them. The last degree in this category is ‘As-Saalihiina - (the righteous people). These all persons are replete with the blessings, nobility and mercy of Allah Almighty according to their ranks. It has already been mentioned earlier that the human beings are not equal in accordance with their ability and qualifications. Excellent out of the remaining people (excluding the above-mentioned persons) are those, who remain busy in obedience of Allah Almighty and His Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him). Fellow-ship of the Prophets (peace be upon them), the Saints, the Martyrs and the Righteous (may Allah be agreed upon them) will also become their fortune according to their degree, qualification and ability. It does not aim that they will become exactly like them, however, they will be counted into their servants and their relationship will be connected with them. It is a very big kindness that this relationship has been named as “a best of company”. Otherwise, it is a very greatness of luck too to be accepted as their servants.

We pray in our each prayer that we should be guided to go on the Straight Path, the Path of those who have been described above. Surah ‘Al-Faatiha (Chapter -1 “the Opening”) teaches us the lesson, “Show us the Straight Path, the Path of those whom Thou hast favoured”, “Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray”. Company of these great people will be in those peoples’ luck, who will obey Allah Almighty and follow His Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him).

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English  by Muhammad Sharif).

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Religious Commands are not difficult - Quran Chapter 4-66 to 68 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-564) -درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 4-66 to 68 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-564) -درس قرآن

Religious Commands are not difficult

Surah ‘An-Nisaaa’ (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

66.  And if We had decreed for them: Lay down your lives or go forth from your dwellings, but few of them would have done it; and if they had done what they have been admonished it would have been better for them, and more strengthening-

67.  And then We would have bestowed upon them from Our Presence an immense reward-

68.  And We would have guided them unto a Straight Path.         
66.  Wa  law  ‘annaa  katabNaa  ‘alayhim  ‘aniqtuluuu  ‘anfu-sakum  ‘awikh-rujuu  min- diyaari-kum-maa  fa-‘aluuhu  ‘illaa  qalii-lum-minhum.  Wa  law  ‘annahum  fa-‘aluu  maa  yuu-‘azuuna  bi-hii  lakaana  khay-rallahum  wa  ‘ashadda  tasbiitaa.

67.  Wa  ‘izalla-‘aatay-Naahum-milla-dunnaaa  ‘ajran  ‘aziimaa.

68.  Wa  lahaday-Naahum  Si-raatam-Musta-qiimaa.       


KatabNaa -  this word has come out from Kataba which means ‘to write’. When the word ‘alaa comes after the word KatabNaa, then its meanings are changed as ‘to command’ someone. That is to say, ‘We ordered’.

Tasbiitaa  To strengthen, to stable, to make firm, to establish or to prove.  

In the previous verse, it was advised to every mankind that they should act upon the commands of Messenger of Allah Almighty, Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) because Messengers and Prophets (peace be upon them) are sent in the world only for the purpose of obedience, and what they say, that is the Commandment from Allah Almighty, not their own.

This verse states that obeying and following the Prophet (peace be upon him); is not too much difficult because Prophet of Allah Almighty (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) instructs the people to perform very easy works, which are beneficial for them. He (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) is Our (God’s) beloved Messenger.

If We (Allah Almighty) desired to command the Messenger for performing very difficult works, We could have. For instance, if We had ordered them, “Lay down your lives (by choking or die stabbing yourselves) or go forth from your dwellings (get out from your houses), then they would never have been ready to obey such commands but only a few of them would have done so. They should think that, We have neither instructed them to leave their houses, lose their lives, nor put themselves into the troubles and hardships as We did with the people before them, but prescribed for them easy tasks in which less effort is required while the reward is more than enough.

Then it is said that if they would have performed these easy works happily, it would have been better for them. Their hearts would have been strong and belief matured, We had put them in a Straight Path, which lead them to the house of immortal comfort and pleasure. But, they do not understand that if these easy tasks are done with good intention and true heart, then its retaliation is a big reward, that; the human being is saved from pain, sorrow and torment forever and reaches the house of comfort and happiness.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English  by Muhammad Sharif).

Friday, January 27, 2017

Touchstone of the Belief - Quran Chptr 4-65 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-563) -درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 4-65 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-563) -درس قرآن

Touchstone of the Belief

Surah ‘An-Nisaaa’ (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

65.  But nay, by the Lord, they will not believe (in truth) until they make thee judge of what is in dispute between them and find within themselves no dislike of that which thou  decidest, and submit with full submission.        
65.  Falaa  wa  Rabbika  laa  yu’-minuuna  hattaa  yuhakkimuu-ka  fiimaa  shajara  baynahum  summa  laa  yajiduu  fiii  ‘anfu-sihim  harajam-mimmaa  qa-zay-ta  wa  yusallimuu  tasliimaa.  


Laa  wa  Rabbika  - (nay, by the Lord), the word wa has been used here for swearing. In Arabic Language, Laa is usually applied before swearing, which means, the matter is not that which is being taken by the hearer, but I swear that it is in fact as I am going to say.  
Shajara   - (rising up, spring up, growing), actually this word is used for the tree. Here it means ‘to dispute’. Mashaajirah has also been derived from it, which means ‘to quarrel, to vie with, and to fall out’.    

Harajun  - {tightness, narrowness (in mode of speech), dislike}.

It has been commanded that if, they were thinking that they should continue disobeying the Messenger of Allah Almighty (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) and remain the believers also, then ‘by the Lord (Almighty), they will become Believers at such time, when they will make You (Prophet Muhammad - grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) judge of what is in dispute among them and find within themselves no dislike of that which You decide.

It has been known clearly from this narration that bowing forehead before the decision and judgment of Allah Almighty and His Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) without wrangling, so that, any doubt of displeasure may not take place in the hearts, is the sign of soundness of the Belief. Otherwise, there is a fear of the disease of hypocrisy. The Muslims have been taught in these verses that the real thing in the religion is ‘the truth and goodness of the heart’. Those people, who do not bear in mind the religion in their mutual matters and law-suits and refer to other persons for judgment, their behavior is against the Belief. It appears from this discussion that they do not either rely on the religion or want to run away from the justice. In the first condition, they are at a great distance from the Faith, and in the second form, they have been tied with their wishes and selfishness, and  they help the violence.   

What would be more faithlessness than it that they think before getting decision of their cases, that from where would they succeed? To them; rule and law is nothing. They believe in Holy Qur’aan and the religion up to the limit, that these support their wishes, because their only aim is to gain.

Secondly, it has been described in these verses that it is useless to dispute with the hypocrites. One should turn his face entirely from their words. Nevertheless, such atmosphere should be produced for them by engaging oneself in personal affairs that they feel repentance and abstain from their wickedness automatically.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English  by Muhammad Sharif).

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Correct manners and deeds - Quran Chptr 4-63&64 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-562) -درس قرآن

Quran Chptr 4-63&64 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-562) -درس قرآن

Correct manners and deeds

Surah ‘An-Nisaaa’ (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

63.  Those are they, the secrets of whose hearts Allah knoweth. So overlook them and admonish them, and speak to them eloquent words that would touch their very souls. 

64.  We sent no messenger save that he should be obeyed by Allah’s leave. And if, when they had wronged themselves, they had but come unto thee and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Forgiving, Merciful.     
63.  ‘Ulaaa-‘ikallaziina  ya’-la-mUllaahu  maa  fii  quluubihim  fa- ‘a’- riz  ‘anum  wa  ‘iz-hum  wa  qul-lahum  fiii  ‘anfusihim  qawlam-baliigaa.

64.  Wa  maaa  ‘arsalnaa  mir-Rasuulin  ‘illaa  liyutaa-‘a  bi-‘iznIllaah.  Wa  law  ‘annahum  ‘iz-zalamuuu  ‘anfusahum  jaaa-‘uuka  fastag-farUllaaha  was-tag-fara  lahu-mur-Rasuulu  la-waja-dUllaaha  Tawwaa-bar-Rahiimaa.     


Zalamuuu  - this word has been derived from the word zulm, which means tyranny, against the truth, rule or right, violence, cruelty and such act due to which someone harms (any other person or himself). 

‘anfusa  - it is plural of nafs (the breath, respiration, the soul, the spirit, essence, heart, the person etc.). It also comes for the meaning of “belonging to, concerning, relevant, depending on” in the paraphrase. For the first verse (# 63), these meanings are proper, while for the second verse (# 64) the meaning as “the soul” is accurate.

Baliigaa  - (eloquent), to speak in such a deep toned voice, which effects one’s heart and he understands it wholeheartedly.

In this verse, Allah Almighty says that their behavior is wrong and unbecoming; you should not be deceived from their apparent condition and smattering talks. Allah Almighty knows that entire, whatever they have in their hearts and He will punish them for their evil deeds at the appropriate time. Prophet Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) is being commanded by Allah Almighty, “Do not care for their absurd and hypocritical deeds and keep up advising them”. Then it has been explained that if, when they had wronged themselves, they had but come unto thee, be abashed and asked forgiveness of Allah Almighty, requested the Messenger to ask Allah Almighty also for their forgiveness, then they would have found Allah Almighty most Forgiving and Merciful. At that time, Allah Almighty would have surely forgiven their error. Instead of being ashamed and repenting, they began to refuse their crime and swear that they did not commit any crime but their intention was good and they went there; only for harmony and kindness.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English  by Muhammad Sharif).

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

After the decision of Messenger - Quran Chptr 4-61&62 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-561) -درس قرآن

Quran Chptr 4-61&62 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-561) -درس قرآن

After the decision of Messenger

Surah ‘An-Nisaaa’ (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

61.  And when it is said unto them: Come unto that which Allah hath revealed and unto Messenger, thou seest the hypocrites turn from thee with aversion.  

62.  How would it be if a misfortune smote them because of that which their own hands have sent before (them)? Then would they come unto thee, swearing by Allah that they were seeking naught but harmony and kindness.
61.  Wa  ‘izaa  qiila  lahum  ta-‘aalaw  ‘ilaa  maaa  ‘anzalAllaahu  wa  ‘ilar-Rasuuli  ra-‘aytal-Munaa-fiqiina  yasudduuna  ‘anka  suduu-daa.

62.  Fa-kayfa  ‘izaaa  ‘asaabat-hum-musiibatum-  bimaa  qad-damat  ‘aydiihim  summa  jaaa-‘uuka  yahli-fuuna  Billaahi  ‘in  ‘arad-naaa  ‘illaaa  ‘ihsaanw-wa  taw-fiiqaa.


It was told in the previous verse that some people claimed that they were believers. However, they used to like to refer the cases of their disputes unto the mischievous persons instead of the Messenger of Allah Almighty (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him), whereas it was incumbent upon them that they would not have any relationship with the vicious persons. It is obvious that the Devil (Satan) has dropped behind them and wishes to entangle them in very severe astray.

The same object has been described openly in this verse as well as in the forthcoming verses. That is to say, some people pronounce that they are believers but they do not satisfy upon the judgment of the Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) and the Holy Qur-‘an. They have not too much courage to declare, “We do not go to the Messenger” (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him). Therefore, they use to evade and practise delay. In addition, if they come to the Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) unlikely (by saying others and hearing by them), they do not agree to His judgment. Because He (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) decides with justice and His decision does not favor the evildoers. They re-refer the matters to others, while He (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) would have finalized the judgment. When they are punished upon this arrogance, then they come back weeping to the Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) and swear that they did not go there to change His (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) decision. They say that they were seeking naught but harmony and kindness, so that they might be saved from the loss.  

Those people, who have only seemingly and not real relationship with Islam and Belief, and they have nothing in their hearts except selfishness, they wander hither and thither madly for attaining their own object. They invent false law-suits and get settled from the person, who shows their partiality after taking bribe according to their demand. They try to make somehow the ruler, witness, lawyer etc. their defender. If they found any just-minded ruler and he caused to hear them punishment in accordance with the justice, then they use to weep with great difficulty. It has been mentioned in this verse, “It is the certain token of the hypocrites”.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English  by Muhammad Sharif).

Monday, January 23, 2017

Decision by the Messenger - Quran Chptr 4-60 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-560) -درس قرآن

Quran Chptr 4-60 (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-560) -درس قرآن

Decision by the Messenger

Surah ‘An-Nisaaa’ (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

60.  Hast thou not seen those who pretend that they believe in that which is revealed unto thee and that which was revealed before thee, how they would go for judgment (in their disputes) to false deities when they have been ordered to abjure them? And Satan only wishes to mislead them for astray.   
60.‘Alam  tara  ‘ilallaziina  yaz-‘umuuna  ‘annahum  ‘aamanuu  bimaaa  ‘unzila  ‘ilayka  wa  maaa  ‘unzila  min-qablika  yuriiduuna  ‘any-yatahaakamuu  ‘ilat-taaguuti  wa  qad  ‘umiruu  ‘any-yakfuruu  bih.  Wa  yurii-dush-Shay-taanu  ‘any-yuzillahum  zalaalam-ba-‘iidaa.


The children of Israel (the Jews) used to support and show partiality during the act of judging the law-suits usually by taking bribes etc. Maximum Hypocrites of Madinah used to refer their matters to the scholars of the Jews for the purpose that they would show them favor. They did not use to come unto the Messenger of Allah Almighty (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) because they did know that the Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) would judge according to the just and fact, and would not show partiality for anyone.

Once, a person from the Jews and a Hypocrite quarreled with each other. The Jew was true. He said, “Let’s refer the matter to the Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) for judgment”. The Hypocrite was a liar. He strengthened that the matter should be referred to the scholar of the Jews “Ka’b bin Ashraf”. Eventually they both brought the dispute to the Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him). He (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) settled the matter in favor of the Jew. After coming out from that place, the Hypocrite said to the Jew, “I don’t accept this decision. Let’s go to Omar (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him), I shall accept that, which he (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him) will decide”.  

The both persons (the Jew and the Hypocrite) reported to Omar (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him) and told about their dispute. When Omar (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him) heard from the Jew that the matter had already been presented in the court of Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) and He had finalized the case in the favor of the Jew. Then Omar (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him) drew the sword, killed the Hypocrite and said, “It is the decision for him, who does not accept the judgment of the Messenger of Allah Almighty (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him)”.  

The heirs of the Hypocrite reported the matter in the court of Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) and sued against Omar (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him) regarding execution of the Hypocrite. They began to swear that the matter was brought to Him only for the purpose that a truce might be made mutually among them (the Jew and the Hypocrite) by him (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him).

At this occasion, this verse was revealed, in which real fact was disclosed. Omar (may Allah Almighty be pleased with him) was bestowed with the title of “Faaruuq” (the Finder of the difference) upon this act.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English  by Muhammad Sharif).

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Settlement of dispute - Quran Chptr 4-59b (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-559) -درس قرآن

Quran Chptr 4-59b (Pt-5, Stg-1)(L-559) -درس قرآن

Settlement of dispute

Surah ‘An-Nisaaa’ (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

59b.  Then if ye have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah and the Messenger if ye are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more seemly in the end. 
59b.  Fa-‘in  tanaaza’-tum  fii  shay-‘in-  fa-rudduuhu  ‘ilAllaahi  war-Rasuuli  ‘in-kuntum  tu’-minuuna  Billaahi  wal-Yawmil-‘Aakhir.  Zaalika  khayrunw-wa  ‘ahsanu  ta’-wiilaa.


tanaaza’-tum  - (you have a dispute). The words nazaa’ and tanaaza-‘a have also been derived from the same origin, which means ‘to quarrel, to dispute, to argue, misunderstanding, contradiction and to oppose.

Rudduuhu  - (refer to), there are many other words from its derivation like ‘irtadaad, murtad etc. Actual aim is ‘to invert, to return towards the Law of Allah Almighty and the traditions of the Last Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) in case of a dispute concerning any matter. That is to say, the decision of the dispute should be finalized in the light of the Will of Allah Almighty and His Last Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him).

We have been guided by Allah Almighty, “If any mutual misunderstanding arises among you and your officials concerning any matter that, whether the command of the ruler is suitable or opposite, then the Scripture (Holy Qur’an) of Allah Almighty and Sayings of His Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) should be consulted, and brought it to a conclusion. Then the result, which has been settled, that should be considered mutually correct and fit. And if you (in truth) believe in Allah Almighty and the Last Day, then your (belief) will demand that you should refer the case to the Command of Allah Almighty and Sayings of His Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him), and that belief will excite you to fear from Their opposition.

We knew from it that the person, who will run away from the command of Allah Almighty and Sayings of His Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him), is not a Muslim. Therefore, if two Muslims have any dispute with each other, one of both said, “Let’s refer to Law of Divine”. The other said, “I don’t have any regard to the Law of Divine” or “I am not concerned with any Divine way of religion”, then that person is not believer, otherwise he would not have said such words.

Allah Almighty describes, “If you will refer your disputes and discords to Allah and Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him), and obey Them, then it will be better for you. Result of referring the matters to Allah And His Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon him) is better than quarreling with one another or deciding according to own opinions.

Today, we observe that the Muslims quarrel with one another and instead of taking decision from Holy Qur’an, they refer their cases to other non-Islamic Laws. The only reason of it is that they keep the casual and closely results in view. They do not know that doing so, they spoil their end (the Day of Resurrection). If they obey the commands of Allah Almighty, their result may be better and more seemly in the end.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English  by Muhammad Sharif).

Commentary on Last Scripture