Muslim nation is flag-holder of Oneness of God
Surah ‘Al-Baqarah (The Cow) – Chapter – 2)
Stage – 1, Verses –115 & 116 of 286, Section
– 14 of 40 ( - 1)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Unto Allah belong the
East and the West, and whither-soever ye turn, there is Allah’s Countenance.
Lo! Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
Wa LIllaahil-Mashriqu wal-Magrib; Fa-‘aynamaa
tu-walluu fa-samma waj-hUllaah. ‘InnAllaaha Waasi-‘un ‘Aliim.
Waj-hu –
literally it means “Face”. Its other meanings are body, person, kind, nature.
So it aims that “to which side you will turn God Almighty exists there”.
Wherever you will go you will find Allah there. The East and the West, the
North and the South, all belong to Allah Almighty.
During the times of Ignorance,
the people had faith, “Allah Almighty is also under the bondage of Time and space,
so we should turn our bodies towards that particular side”. They used to
suppose such direction at their own, and after turning their faces to that side,
they used to worship. In this matter, there was a dispute also among the Children
of Israel and the Christians themselves. Each religious group had
fixed a direction and they meditated this direction better.
The Holy Qur’an refuted
this false belief of theirs and commanded that Allah Almighty is neither
limited in any enclosure of particular space of worship, nor He is imprisoned
in any place or direction, but wherever He will be called with purity and
sincerity He will be attentive. He does not belong particularly to any
particular place, city or direction.
God Almighty likes neither
only the East, and nor only the West but all the directions are of Him. He has
already surrounded the entire Universe. He is unlimited. He exists everywhere.
So by turning on any place or side, He will be called with sincerity, He shall
be attentive. He knows very well that who calls Him with the true heart and who
calls Him only to show others.
One reason of the Revelation regarding this verse is narrated as it that; because it is difficult for the traveler and
the rider to know the direction of the Temple of Makkah, so for that time, it has been commanded that turning on
which direction you will worship, that will be accepted because God Almighty masterly
exists in every direction and every place. Accordingly, this is the matter that;
if you do not know the correct direction of the Temple of Makkah, you should offer prayer turning
to that side to which your heart witnesses. And if you are riding on any conveyance,
and direction of conveyance changes, you would have to continue and complete
your temporary prayer.
And they say: Allah
hath taken unto Himself a son. Be He glorified! Nay, but whatsoever is in the
heavens and the earth is His. All are subservient unto Him.
Wa qaalutta -khazAllaahu waladan, SubhaanaH.
Bal-laHuu maa fis-samaawaati wal-‘arz. Kullul-laHuu
In the previous verse,
it has been discussed that the perception of the Children
of Israel and the the Christians that Allah Almighty likes a
particular direction, is incorrect, “so Allah Almighty refuted it that: We
should turn to such particular direction for turning towards Him, and commanded
that He is not bound in any side or boundary of any place of worship. But He is
the Master of the entire Universe and there are no limitations for Him, so you
can turn your faces and bodies to any side for His worship. He will be
attentive unto you.
‘Itta -khaza – (has, have, make, catch, to choose, to elect, to fix upon,
to assume, to adopt), translation of all the words is understood as the same.
Qaanituun – (subservient, loyal, servant), Singular to this word is Qaanat, which means the person; who obeys the command,
is obedient. The word Qanuut has been
derived from it too. The Prayer in the Witr
prayer is called “the Qanuut prayer”
because it contains complete obeying and obedience of Allah Almighty in it.
The Christians had
another wrong belief that God Almighty has adopted the Jesus Christ (peace be
upon Him) as His son (Let us flee to Allah). This faith of theirs’ is the worst
kind of plurality with God Almighty. Allah Almighty commands that He is Pure
and Sacred from their all these types of false talks regarding the plurality.
He has no child. He is One. He is Master of the entire Universe. All that is
present in the earth and the skies, is obedient of His Order. His Emperor is
everywhere. His relation with the creature is such as the entire universe, the demons
and the human beings are worshipers and obedient to Him (only one Worshiped).
He is Lord and God of all. The entire things in the universe have bent their
heads before His Order. It is also the human beings’ excellence, if they bend
their heads in front of Him and not to obey anyone else except Him.
Muslim nation is
Flag-holder of Oneness of God and she preaches the faith: The infidelity (i.e.
ascribing plurality) to Allah is the greatest sin. We should avoid from it and
we should believe in the Unity of God by our hearts.
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